Replace multiple values in r


I want to replace multiple values in a column. Suppose you have a column called 'var1' in dataframe.

testing <- data.frame(var1 = c(LETTERS[1:5], 

I want to replace Left hand side with Right hand side. If any value is not found, it should be unchanged (as it is).

c('Payments12' = 'No. of Payments in 12 Months')
c('Balance' = 'Current Balance Bands')
c('Default' = 'Default (>=3 Months)')
c('Currentterm' = 'Current Term')
c('Interest' = 'Interest Rate')
c('Original.Valuation1' = 'Original Valuation')
c('REV_Capped' = 'REV Capped')
c('Amount' = 'Payment received in 12 Months')
c('NoofHoliday' = 'No of Months Holiday')
Arnaud Perigord

As the question is tagged in dplyr, you can use dplyr::mutate and dplyr::recode for this kind of question. If the problem is more complex (with conditions for example) you can use dplyr::case_when

In the exemple above, the code would be like this. Only given recode values will be changed.

testing <- data.frame(var1 = c(LETTERS[1:5], 
                               'NoofHoliday')) %>%
  mutate(var1 = recode(var1, 
                'Payments12' = 'No. of Payments in 12 Months', 
                'Balance' = 'Current Balance Bands',
                'Default' = 'Default (>=3 Months)',
                'Currentterm' = 'Current Term',
                'Interest' = 'Interest Rate',
                'Original.Valuation1' = 'Original Valuation',
                'REV_Capped' = 'REV Capped',
                'Amount' = 'Payment received in 12 Months',
                'NoofHoliday' = 'No of Months Holiday'))

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