Regex to match alphanumeric string with letters, if present, to form at least one sequence of 3+ letters


This works wrong. for example this is right - ddd, 2ddd, 2d2ddd, w4hh2www and 2dd, 2d2d2d, dd2d, dd2dd2dd2d this is a wrong, but its working not correctly, /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+[a-zA-Z]{2}/ or /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+[a-zA-Z]{3}/

Yevgen Gorbunkov

You may try that one: /(^[a-z\d]*[a-z]{3}[a-z\d]*$)|(^\d+$)/i

const src = ['2ttt78','q6n','44aaa78','a8','!bbb9','9c','9ddd','2w2www','2d2d2d', '78'],

      pattern = /(^[a-z\d]*[a-z]{3}[a-z\d]*$)|(^\d+$)/i
      src.forEach(s =>
        console.log(`${s} is valid: `, pattern.test(s)))

Collected from the Internet

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