How to convert uint32_t number to char[8]?


Suppose we have a string s = "453acd0f". Now I want to do something like this:

uint32_t res = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
    res |= ConvertCharToHexNumber(s[8 - i - 1]) << (i * 4);

But how I should do this if I have a uint32_t var variable which I read from a binary file?


The simplest way to convert a 4 byte uint32_t into char[8]:

    uint32_t var = 100;
    char res[8]{};
    res[0] = (var >> 28) & 0XF;
    res[1] = (var >> 24) & 0XF;
    res[2] = (var >> 20) & 0XF;
    res[3] = (var >> 16) & 0XF;
    res[4] = (var >> 12) & 0XF;
    res[5] = (var >> 8)  & 0XF;
    res[6] = (var >> 4)  & 0XF;
    res[7] = (var >> 0)  & 0XF;

You can reduce this to a loop:

    int shiftby = 32;
    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        res[i] = (var >> (shiftby -= 4)) & 0xF;

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