How can I make a class method that takes a function as a parameter?

John Bardeen

I want to create a method inside a class (but I think this is irrelevant) that sorts a vector according to the bool value returned by a particular function... I read that it is possible but I don't know how to do it...

I would like to call the function and put (for example) >, or <, as a parameter, so that I don't have to create two almost identical functions.

How I imagine the body of the function:

for (int i = 0 ; i < DIM - j; i++)
    if (some_function(v[i], v[i+1]))
        int temp;
        temp = v[i];
        v[i] = v[i+1];  
        v[i+1] = temp;

You can do this by passing in a function object:

template <typename Op>
void f(Op op) {
  // ...
  if (op(v[i], v[i+1])) // ...

and call it like this:

f(std::less{});    // for <
f(std::greater{}); // for >

Of course, f here is just an example, but you just need to add a template parameter to your own function in this way.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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