Find uncommon elements using hashing

Kashish Arora

I think this is a fairly common question but I didn't find any answer for this using hashing in C++.

I have two arrays, both of the same lengths, which contain some elements, for example:


Here, the uncommon elements are: {5,5,1,1}

I have tried this approach- iterating a while loop on both the arrays after sorting:

while(i<n && j<n) {
    else if (a[i] > b[j])
    else {    
while(i<n && a[i]!=b[j-1])
while(j < n && b[j]!=a[i-1])

and I am getting the correct answer with this. However, I want a better approach in terms of time complexity since sorting both arrays every time might be computationally expensive.

I tried to do hashing but couldn't figure it out entirely.

To insert elements from arr1[]:

set<int> uncommon; 
    for (int i=0;i<n1;i++) 

To compare arr2[] elements:

    for (int i = 0; i < n2; i++) 
        if (uncommon.find(arr2[i]) != uncommon.end()) 

Now, what I am unable to do is to send only those elements to the uncommon array[] which are uncommon to both of them.

Thank you!


First of all, std::set does not have anything to do with hashing. Sets and maps are ordered containers. Implementations may differ, but most likely it is a binary search tree. Whatever you do, you wont get faster that nlogn with them - the same complexity as sorting. If you're fine with nlogn and sorting, I'd strongly advice just using set_symmetric_difference algorithm , it requires two sorted containers.

But if you insist on an implementation relying on hashing, you should use std::unordered_set or std::unordered_map. This way you can be faster than nlogn. You can get your answer in nm time, where n = a.size() and m = b.size(). You should create two unordered_set`s: hashed_a, hashed_b and in two loops check what elements from hashed_a are not in hashed_b, and what elements in hashed_b are not in hashed_a. Here a pseudocode:

create hashed_a and hashed_b
create set_result // for the result
for (a_v : hashed_a) 
  if (a_v not in hashed_b)
for (b_v : hashed_b) 
  if (b_v not in hashed_a)
return set_result // it holds the symmetric diference, which you need

UPDATE: as noted in the comments, my answer doesn't count for duplicates. The easiest way to modify it for duplicates would be to use unordered_map<int, int> with the keys for elements in the set and values for number of encounters.

Collected from the Internet

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