I am having problem while using filter in react Hooks,how can i solve this issue?

Kaji Toon

I tried to use filter in react Hooks for filtering the state data fetched from the API but i get an empty array as output.How can i solve this issue?Following below is my code:

let FinalData = Data.filter((item) => item.district).map((item) => item.district);
let Testdata = District.filter((item) => item.title_ne === FinalData).map((item) => 
console.log("finaldata>>>", FinalData);
console.log("Districts>>>", District);
console.log("data>>>", Data);
console.log("Finally>>>", Testdata);

In every console.log i get the state value but in ' console.log("Finally>>>", Testdata);' i get output as empty array.How can i solve this issue?

Following are my output: enter image description here


you need to find the title items with same titles in FinalData data you can do it like this :

let FinalData = Data.filter((item) => item.district).map((item) => item.district);
let Testdata = District.reduce((all,item) => FinalData.some(title=>item.title_ne===title)?[...all,item.centroid.coordinates]:all,[]);
console.log("finaldata>>>", FinalData);
console.log("Districts>>>", District);
console.log("data>>>", Data);
console.log("Finally>>>", Testdata);

use array reduce method instead of filter and map chain

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