How do you fill the image within other image's boundaries?


Hi guys i am trying to fill an image inside a png outline like this

enter image description here

Currently what i have

<img _ngcontent-udx-c1="" alt="content-icon" src="" ng-reflect-ng-style="[object Object]" style="background: url(&quot;;);">

where the event-icon.png is the white outline and the background is some random image from google. And the result is enter image description here

But i want it do fill inside the other image's boundaries instead of just pushing it out through the entire tag. How can i achieve this?

Temani Afif

You need to create another image like below and use it as mask:

body {
<img src="" />
<img src="" />

In the above we have both images, the mask and the one with outline and you get the following if you combine them:

.box {
  -webkit-mask:url( center/contain no-repeat;
          mask:url( center/contain no-repeat;
  background:url( center/cover;

body {
<img src="" class="box">

The result isn't perfect because I am bad at image editing but you can easily edit the mask image to make it better

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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