How to use Azure variable $(build.buildnumber)-$(build.sourcebranchname) in Dockerfile as build artifact/jar is getting generated with buildNumber?

Dev Gosain

I am writing a azure pipeline that will build a jar and a docker image. Most of part is working but I am not able to substitute $version variable in Dockerfile. And I am declaring artifact version as $(build.buildnumber)-$(build.sourcebranchname) as given below. I can not hard code it as with every run of build, builnumber will change. How can I use either $version or $(build.buildnumber)-$(build.sourcebranchname) in Dcokerfile where I am copying jar to container folder.

My generated artifact name is like this someservice-api-$(build.buildnumber)-$(build.sourcebranchname).jar

Azure Pipeline:

  vmImage: 'windows-latest'


- task: DownloadSecureFile@1
  displayName: 'Download secure file'

- powershell: |
    New-Item -Type Directory -Force "${HOME}/.gradle"
    $version = "$(build.buildnumber)-$(build.sourcebranchname)"
    Add-Content "$(Agent.WorkFolder)/_temp/" "`nartifactVersion=$version"
    Add-Content "$(Agent.WorkFolder)/_temp/" "`nartifactDir=$path"
    Copy-Item -Force "$(Agent.WorkFolder)/_temp/" "${HOME}/.gradle/"

other task like gradlew build, copy, publish to staging directory


FROM openjdk:8
WORKDIR /usr/src/webapp/clientscore
COPY ./build/libs/someservice-api-$version.jar api.jar
CMD ["java", "-jar", "api.jar"]

I have tried with following already

COPY ./build/libs/someservice-api-$version.jar api.jar
COPY ./build/libs/someservice-api-${version}.jar api.jar
COPY ./build/libs/someservice-api-$(build.buildnumber)-$(build.sourcebranchname).jar api.jar
COPY ./build/libs/someservice-api-${build.buildnumber}-${build.sourcebranchname}.jar api.jar

Azure Docker task:

- task: Docker@2
    command: 'buildAndPush'
    Dockerfile: '**/Dockerfile'
Sweetie Panav

The Azure task, Docker "BuildAndPush", that you are using does not accept build args. You need to define Docker "build" task then you can pass build args and use it accordingly in Dockerfile.

--build-arg varname="$(dynamicversion)"

Have a lookt at this

Collected from the Internet

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