How To Use Google Sheets API v4 To Create New Sheet or Tab in Spreadsheet with PHP


With PHP, it is unclear from the Google Sheets API v4 documentation on how to create a new sheet (aka "tab") in an existing spreadsheet.

I can do it with batchUpdate, oddly, via the API Explorer, but they don't explain from that how to do this in PHP.


It looks like the documentation is saying that we must use batchUpdate from $service->spreadsheets_values collection. But that's incorrect. It should be the $service->spreadsheets collection. The proper answer after a lot of trial and error is:

try {
    $body = new Google_Service_Sheets_BatchUpdateSpreadsheetRequest(array(
        'requests' => array(
            'addSheet' => array(
                'properties' => array(
                    'title' => 'New Sheet'
    $result1 = $service->spreadsheets->batchUpdate($sSpreadsheetID,$body);
} catch(Exception $ignore) {}

Given that you have already authenticated your API to get a $client object, and then used that to get a $service object of class Google_Service_Sheets, and given that you have assigned $sSpreadsheetID to the ID of your spreadsheet, then the above routine will attempt to add a new tab to your spreadsheet named 'New Sheet' without destroying any existing one, and will not show errors if this tab already exists. At that point, you can do something new with that new sheet by addressing it with the A1 Notation.

Collected from the Internet

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