How do I schedule an AWS Lambda cron to run at 11:30pm on the last day of the month?

Bryce York

I'd like my Lambda function to run on the last day of every month at 11:30pm.

I'm using the Serverless Framework so all I need is the right Schedule Expression (docs here & info here)

Any help greatly appreciated.

NB: Unfortunately I can't just do it at the start of the month as there's a dependency on pulling data from a 3rd party tool that only calculates data for 'this month'.


From docs:

  • The L wildcard in the Day-of-month or Day-of-week fields specifies the last day of the month or week.

So, try this cron expression for 11:30 PM at the last day of the month:

cron(30 23 L * ? *)

Collected from the Internet

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