Create Azure DevOps release without artifacts via Rest API


I am building a JSON body based on the documentation. It looks like this (copied from the documentation):

  "definitionId": 1,
  "description": "Creating Sample release",
  "artifacts": [
      "alias": "Fabrikam.CI",
      "instanceReference": {
        "id": "2",
        "name": null
  "isDraft": false,
  "reason": "none",
  "manualEnvironments": null

However, there aren't any artifacts for this release. It's just stages that need to run. I have tried setting the "artifacts" value to null and false. I also tried removing the "artifacts" key altogether, like this:

  "definitionId": 1,
  "description": "Creating Sample release",
  "isDraft": false,
  "reason": "none",
  "manualEnvironments": null

Unfortunately, all of these guesses just throw one of these errors:

The artifact alias cannot be empty. Specify a valid artifact alias and try again.


Release pipeline name cannot be empty. Specify a name and try again.

How do I create a release that doesn't include artifacts using the REST API?

Lance Li-MSFT

How do I create a release that doesn't include artifacts using the REST API?

Just leave it blank and it will work. Use format like this:

  "definitionId": 1,
  "description": "Creating Sample release",
  "artifacts": [],
  "isDraft": false,
  "reason": "none",
  "manualEnvironments": null

If the response is 200 OK, it means you run the rest api successfully. (This api is used to create release instead of creating release pipeline, you should know that! )

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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