concise and readable syntax for props in a react component in typescript


So if you declare a React.FC , then you get to do a type declaration and thus get to pass it props :

const FuntionalComponent: React.FC<personType> = ({ id, nationality, name, familyName, age, selected }) =>

       ...directly html

export default FuntionalComponent;

But you cannot declare any methods or use hooks there (I have not found a way)

Then there's the React.Component type :

class Component extends React.Component<{}, {Stateproperty: string}>{




  render() {
    return (
         ...html finally

export default component;

as you can see I can pass a state but not a props.

If I try something like this :

class Component extends React.Component<{propsProperty: Array}, {Stateproperty: string}>{

and then add my propsProperty to my html :

<Component propsProperty={thisArray} />

Yet, they error out with the following entry:

TS2322: Type '{ propsProperty: any; }' is not assignable to type 'IntrinsicAttributes & { children?: ReactNode; }'.   Property 'tankData' does not exist on type 'IntrinsicAttributes & { children?: ReactNode; }'.

These tutorials seem to indicate that there is no other way to declare components:

I found this article about TypeScript errors in React:, but it didn't have my issue.

I also tried this solution : Even though it's clearly not the same issue, it seemed somewhat close, yet it didn't help.

React docs are not helpful since they ignore TypeScript and are not human-readable.

I need a way that's both concise, respects TypeScript and allows for both props and methods within the class body. Does this not exist at all?


But you cannot declare any methods or use hooks there (I have not found a way)

A good standard way of declaring a FC is:

type ComponentProps = {
  id: string, 
  nationality: string, 

const MyComponent: React.FC<ComponentProps> = ({
  }: ComponentProps) => {
  const someMethod = () => {
    console.log('I am console logging');


Note that in the above I deconstruct the props on instantiation so that id, nationality can be leveraged directly in the component.

I don't think you need to worry too much about the syntax highlighting until you're familiar with the above.

Collected from the Internet

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