Deploy Docker Image to CF using Travis CI


I am trying to push my docker image to CF landscape through Travis build.

I have a Dockerfile. I created a image pushed it to docker hub. Now I have to push this image from docker hub to CF using Travis CI. To push an app normally to CF using Travis - We use this :

   provider: cloudfoundry
   username: [email protected]
   password: supersecretpassword
   organization: myawesomeorganization
   space: staging
   manifest: manifest-staging.yml       # (optional)  Defaults to manifest.yml.
   app_name: My app name                # (optional)

But not sure how this works wrt docker image.


I figured it how to achieve. We can use docker attribute in manifest.yml See this

And travis.yml shall look like as it is mentioned above.

Collected from the Internet

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