Python Tkinter treeview.heading command not working right in for loop

Jacob Long

I am trying to assign a different function to each of the headings on a tkinter treeview widget.

the following code has the inteded outcome, but is hardcoded:

from tkinter import *
from tkinter.ttk import *

root = Tk()

treeview = Treeview(root, columns=['c1', 'c2'])

treeview.heading('c1', text='c1', command=lambda:print('c1'))
treeview.heading('c2', text='c2', command=lambda:print('c2'))


but when I try to make the same exact code, but use a for loop to set the column names and commands, each column's command is set to the last command in the loop:

from tkinter import *
from tkinter.ttk import *

root = Tk()

treeview = Treeview(root, columns=['c1', 'c2'])

for c in ['c1', 'c2']:
    treeview.heading(c, text=c, command=lambda:print(c))


why is this happening? I know that a similar question has been answered in this post, but I would like to try to use the intended options if possible.

Jacob Long

If I change

for c in ['c1', 'c2']:
    treeview.heading(c, text=c, command=lambda:print(c))


for c in ['c1', 'c2']:
    treeview.heading(c, text=c, command=lambda col=c:print(col))

It seems to solve the issue

Collected from the Internet

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