Method to append data to list affects multiple objects

David Johnson

I am writing a simple dynamics model that includes position, velocity, ect for multiple objects.

    class airplane
       def record(self,time,timestep=.1):
       def output(self):
for i in range(10):

Each data frame has 20 rows containing the alternating positions of each airplane. How do I make record only append data to the history list of the called object?


You need to make history an instance attribute, rather than a class attribute that is shared by all instances of the class, by creating it in an __init__ method. I have corrected your code: You need to create instances airplane1 and airplane2 before you can use them and nowhere do you create instance attribute list position, so I have commented out the reference to that and substituted constants for now (you need to correct this). I also added a print statement to demonstrate the output. Also, it is usual to name classes with capital letters.

import pandas

class airplane:
    def __init__(self):
        self.history = []
    def record(self,time,timestep=.1):
        self.history.append([time*timestep, 0, 1, 2])
    def output(self):,columns=['time','x','y','z'])

airplane1 = airplane()
airplane2 = airplane()
for i in range(10):



   time  x  y  z
0   0.0  0  1  2
1   0.1  0  1  2
2   0.2  0  1  2
3   0.3  0  1  2
4   0.4  0  1  2
5   0.5  0  1  2
6   0.6  0  1  2
7   0.7  0  1  2
8   0.8  0  1  2
9   0.9  0  1  2
   time  x  y  z
0   0.0  0  1  2
1   0.1  0  1  2
2   0.2  0  1  2
3   0.3  0  1  2
4   0.4  0  1  2
5   0.5  0  1  2
6   0.6  0  1  2
7   0.7  0  1  2
8   0.8  0  1  2
9   0.9  0  1  2

Collected from the Internet

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