How to share a variable across multiple source files in C++?


Summary of my goal

I want to make a global instance of a declared class shared between multiple .cpp files in C++.


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I know that many people said that I shouldn't use global variables for too much reasons... Read my explanations to understand why I do want them.

Step 1:
I was doing a C++ program with a class defined in a header file.
(The class's functions were declared in a cpp file.)

To explain it, I'll use a over-simplified hypothetical code. (Not the actual one.)

Simplified hypothetical Class.h's code:

class Class {
        Class(intx,int y); //Does a lot of things

        int OP1(int x); //Dummy operation
        int OP2(int x); //Dummy operation
        type ManyVars;

Simplified hypothetical main.cpp's code

#include "Class.h"

Class Member(140,360);  //Declares it with parameters

bool Func1(int x) { //Dummy function
    int y = Member.OP2(x);
    return x > Member.OP1(y);

bool Func2(int x) { //Dummy function
    int y = Member.OP2(x) * x;
    return x > Member.OP1(y) +1;

int main() {
    int x;

    std::cin >> x;

    y = Func2(x);
    z = Func1(y * x / 5);

    return Func2(z) + x / y;

As far I was, everything was working fine, but the code was monstrously big in main.cpp because I had over 16 functions including 2 big ones!
(I show only two functions in my example to be simple.)

Step 2:
To make the code easier to read, I've moved the small functions in two others files Funcs.cpp and Funcs.h, like a library.
Then I moved the big functions into a new .cpp file for each one to after being included in another header file.
(Hidden in example because it's like Funcs.cpp.)

So, now the hypothetical main.cpp looks like this:

#include "Class.h"
#include "Funcs.h"

Class Member(140,360);

int main() {
    int x;

    std::cin >> x;

    int y = Func2(x);
    int z = Func1(y * x / 5);

    return Func2(z) + x / y;

And the hypothetical Funcs.cpp looks like this:

#include "Class.h"
#include "Funcs.h"

bool Func1(int x) {
    int y = Member.OP2(x);
    return x > Member.OP1(y);

bool Func2(int x) {
    int y = Member.OP2(x) * x;
    return x > Member.OP1(y) +1;

Now comes an issue: Member is only defined in main.cpp but I need it also in Funcs.cpp (and the others function files too).

Step 3:
I tried to add another input value of type Class for each function and put Member in it when used. It worked but the functions look awful! I don't want an extra parameter for each function! So I reverted the code to Step 1 for the moment.


What I want is any way to share the same instance between them. It's basically a global variable.
I want to keep same functions. int y = Member.OP2(x) mustn't change whereas the beginning of each file could be changed.
I would like to be able to declare multiple such Members (I won't, but it must be possible to do it).

Does anyone know a way to share instances that way?

Please tell me if something is unclear.


Member is a global variable. Share it using the usual technique that you would use for any global variable, declare it in a header file and define it (once) in a source file.

In a header file (say Class.h)

extern Class Member;

In main.cpp

Class Member(140,360);

That's it.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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