replace regex character if it has numbers in front of it


I would like to replace a letter if there is a number in front of it. So for example if I have 1K I would like to replace the K with 000, so that I have 1000. But If I have AKA then I would like to leave it the way it is. How would I do this? I tried "([0-9]+)k", "\\1000" but this didn't work. For examle this doesn't work:

df=pd.DataFrame({'xx':['100K', 'AKA', '1K', '10M']})
df.replace({"([0-9]+)K", "\\1000"}, regex=True)
Shubham Sharma

Try this:

df = df.replace(r"((?<=\d)K)", "000", regex=True)
df = df.replace(r"((?<=\d)M)", "000000", regex=True)



0    100000
1       AKA
2      1000
3  10000000

Collected from the Internet

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