How to have interactivity of Jupyter Notebooks online?


I was wondering if there is a site where one can link a Jupyter Notebook and in return be able to run the notebook interactively? Basically an online or cloud version of Jupyter where the input cells can be modified and run live.

I know there is, but that is a static renderer. I want to be able to run the IPythonWidgets that I have used in this Side Project that I'm working on. It would be nice to send a link to other people who can interact with it without having a local installation of Jupyter or Anaconda.

I tried to look for duplicates, but I couldn't find anything else that answered my question.

(Also, please ignore the incompleteness in my project. I only uploaded it to show what I meant. I haven't polished it yet. If you go down to In[5], that is where I have coded in some widgets that dynamically change the plot.)


Microsoft is hosting notebooks on Azure:

Unlike Google's Colaboratory, it is already publicly available (status in June 2018).

Azure Notebooks works great with running an Jupyter Notebook online.

Collected from the Internet

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