How can I get additional data from one promise to another?


I have one promise that relies on the return value of another promise. I'm successfully passing that value to the second promise, but there's additional data that's created in the first promise that I'd like to get into the second promise somehow.

Here's my code:

const getAlbumInfo = async (album, artist) => {
        let hostname = '';
        let path = `/ws/2/release-group/?query=release:${album}%20AND%20artist:${artist}&fmt=json`;
        let res = await fetch(hostname + path);
        return res.json();

const getAlbumArt = async (albumInfo) => {
    let res = await fetch(`${albumInfo.url}`);
    return res.json();

let artist = '', album = '';

getAlbumInfo(album, artist)
    .then((res) => {
        const metadata = {
            album: res['album'],
            artist: res['artist'],
            url: res['url']

        return getAlbumArt(metadata);
    .then((res) => {
        console.log(res);  // prints result from getAlbumArt

        // I also need the contents of metadata here
    .catch(e => { console.error(e); });

So I'm getting album metadata in the first promise, which includes a URL, and then I'm running a fetch on that URL, which returns a second promise. The problem is that I need access to the album metadata in the second promise.

Since I'm returning/passing the metadata into the second promise, I tried using Object.assign() inside getAlbumArt() to combine the metadata and the fetch result, but that didn't seem to work.


There are multiple ways of doing this, you could use await:

const getAlbumInfo = async(album, artist) => {
  let hostname = '';
  let path = `/ws/2/release-group/?query=release:${album}%20AND%20artist:${artist}&fmt=json`;
  let res = await fetch(hostname + path);
  return res.json();

const getAlbumArt = async(albumInfo) => {
  let res = await fetch(`${albumInfo.url}`);
  return res.json();

let artist = '',
  album = '';

const getAll = async() => {
  const res1 = await getAlbumInfo(album, artist);
  const metadata = {
    album: res['album'],
    artist: res['artist'],
    url: res['url']
  const res2 = await getAlbumArt(metadata);

  // here you have access to both responses (res1 and res2) and the created metadata object.

If you use this, you should wrap the calls in try..catch...

Another option will be to pass the metadata from the second promise along with the response:

const getAlbumInfo = async(album, artist) => {
  let hostname = '';
  let path = `/ws/2/release-group/?query=release:${album}%20AND%20artist:${artist}&fmt=json`;
  let res = await fetch(hostname + path);
  return res.json();

const getAlbumArt = async(albumInfo) => {
  let res = await fetch(`${albumInfo.url}`);
  res = await res.json();
  return {

let artist = '',
  album = '';

getAlbumInfo(album, artist)
  .then((res) => {
    const metadata = {
      album: res['album'],
      artist: res['artist'],
      url: res['url']

    return getAlbumArt(metadata);
  .then((o) => {
    console.log(o.res, o.albumInfo);
  .catch(e => {

And a third option will be to resolve the second promise inside the first promise's callback function:

getAlbumInfo(album, artist)
  .then((res) => {
    const metadata = {
      album: res['album'],
      artist: res['artist'],
      url: res['url']

      .then(res2 => {
        // here you can access res, res2 and metadata

Collected from the Internet

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