Change color based on background color


I am trying to change the color based on the background color to make the text more readable.

During my search I found this:

var rgb = $('.external-event').css('background-color');
var c = 'rgb(' + rgb[0] + ',' + rgb[1] + ',' + rgb[2] + ')';
var o = Math.round(((parseInt(rgb[0]) * 299) + (parseInt(rgb[1]) * 587) + (parseInt(rgb[2]) * 114)) / 1000);

if (o > 125) {
  $('.external-event').css('color', 'black');
} else {
  $('.external-event').css('color', 'white');

$('.external-event').css('background-color', c);

var r = Math.round(Math.random() * 255);
var g = Math.round(Math.random() * 255);
var b = Math.round(Math.random() * 255);

rgb[0] = r;
rgb[1] = g;
rgb[2] = b;

The problem is that it's only displaying white color and not changing to black.

What am I doing wrong here?

Here is a JSFiddle.

for some reason this example is doing the opposite then my actual development environment and keeping the text in black even with a black background.

EDIT: I forgot to add I am dynamically displaying multiple background colors with the same class .external-event and it seems to be only getting the rgb value of the first element.


With the help of Sam Onela's answer I was able to figure it out.

Here is what I did:

$('.external-event').each(function() {

    var rgb = $(this).css('background-color');
    var pattern = /rgb\((\d+),\s?(\d+),\s?(\d+)\)/;
    var matches = rgb.match(pattern);

    var o = Math.round(((parseInt(matches[1]) * 299) + (parseInt(matches[2]) * 587) + (parseInt(matches[3]) * 114)) /1000);

    if(o > 125) {
        $(this).css('color', '#444444');
        $(this).css('color', 'white');


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