Export SQL Server query to CSV using script


Let say I have 1 query for remote SQL Server:


And I would like to export using any kind of script without using manual intervention from SSMS. I expect the output to be like this:


How can I export into something like above?

I noticed there are few old discussions on this with variety of custom workaround that doesn't work for me. I prefer the exported file contains header, NULL value and without start/end quotes. Here's my closest script to achieve the result:

bcp "SELECT * FROM USER;" queryout export.csv -S 'localhost' -U sa -P 'password' -d 'mydatabase' -c -t  ',' 

Current output:


You can use SQLCMD to achieve that like below:

EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'SQLCMD -E -W -Q "SET NOCOUNT ON SELECT * FROM dbname.schemaname.USER" -s "," | findstr /V /C:"-" /B > E:\export.csv'

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