changing value of flask variable in html


I am making a web application with flask, I know for a fact that you can create variables in the python file to use in the HTML file in jinja, but how can I change the value of a variable inside the HTML?

Can I do it like this? {{ VAR_NAME == NEW_VAR_VALUE }}

help would be appreciated


Given a flask code like this:

def simple_page():
    random_number = random.randint(1, 6)

    return render_template('page.html', number=random_number)

Then you can access that variable through jinja2 like this:

<p>Random number: {{ number }}</p>

If you want to assign the variable passed from flask to another variable created in jinja2 (you wanna make a copy, I don't know) just write:

{% set new_var = number %}

Now you can use the variable new_var in the jinja2 code.

Wanna increase new_var? Do:

{% set new_var = new_var+1 %}

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