Emit Observable value and handle it in component


I have a login() method an AuthService. What I want is to emit value from login() method in AuthService to handle value in NavbarComponent:

export class AuthService extends AbstractRestService<any> {
    user: AppUser = {id: null}; 

    login(userName: string, password: string) {
        return this.http
                    map(res => {
                    // here I want to emit value of Observable `anUser$` 
                    // to send value to NavbarComponent
                        this.getAppUser(); // I want to throw Observable value to handle its value 
                                           // in NavbarComponent.ts         

                        return true;
                 , catchError(this.handleError)

    public getAppUser(): Observable<AppUser> {   
        return of(this.user);


My NavbarComponent.html looks like this:

<li *ngIf="appUser$ | async as anUser">

 {{ anUser?.name }}


My NavbarComponent.ts looks like this:

appUser$: Observable<AppUser>;

async ngOnInit() {
    this.appUser$ = this.auth.getAppUser();    

What I want is to emit value from login() method in AuthService to handle value in NavbarComponent, however value of appUser$ is not shown in NavbarComponent.html.

Could you tell me what I am doing wrong?


do like this:

export class AuthService extends AbstractRestService<any> {
    user: AppUser = {id: null}; 

    login(userName: string, password: string) {
        return this.http
                    map(res => {
                        this.userSource.next(res); // just call next with the user here       

                        return true;
                 , catchError(this.handleError)

    private userSource = new BehaviorSubject<AppUser>({id: null})
    public getAppUser = this.userSource.asObservbale();

Collected from the Internet

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