Passing Data From Child Component Into Parent Component


I have problems with my angular, here I have two components:

  • MyApp (ParentComponent)
  • LoginPage (ChildComponent)

I have a property UserNow in parts MyApp and I want to set the value of the property UserNow through the components LoginPage. How to do it?

I have tried (but did not give any influence)

Import {MyApp} from '../../app/app.component'; 

  selector: 'page-login',
  templateUrl: 'login.html'
export class LoginPage {
    public app: any;

    login() {
        ... = MyApp; = MyValue;
SaUrAbH MaUrYa

There are several ways to do it.

1) Using a service: A service generally has a single instance in the application and can be used to share data between the components easily. E.g. create a service userService and inject it in components where ever you want to use it.

2) using Emit: Emit is used to emit an event in the application and corresponding action can be taken.


Two actions can be taken on event emission.

  • calling a function of parent :

<child-component (eventInChild)="parentFunction($event)"></child-component>

  • Emitting from service and Subscribing to an event(can be subscribed in service as well as components) :

In Service It goes like this:

getEmitStatus() {
    return this.eventInService;

//In component or service - to listen to event

this.subscription = this.userService.getEmitStatus()
    .subscribe(item => {
         //thing to do here

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