How do I disable back navigation and remove the back arrow on a Fragment, using Android Jetpack's Navigation component?


I am using Google's recommended single activity pattern with Android Jetpack's Navigation component.

Fragment 1 is an authentication screen. After the user is authenticated and navigates to Fragment 2, I would like to make pressing of the Android back button close the app, and remove the back arrow in the app bar.

I have found methods, like onBackPressedDispatcher, to add / remove functionality from the back press, but nothing that also removes the back arrow.

I have also tried app:popUpTo="@+id/firstFragment" when navigating from Fragment 1 to Fragment 2, but that doesn't work either.

This should be possible to specify with a single line of code. Still trying to find. Any tips?

Mohammed Alaa

You need to remove fragment1 from back-stack when navigation to fragment2


tools:layout="@layout/fragment_1" >
    app:popUpToInclusive="true" />

then when you navigate from fragment1 to fragment2 call this


to remove the back button from Fragment2 you can use this

in Activity onCreate()

val appBarConfiguration = AppBarConfiguration

then setup your toolbar like this

setupActionBarWithNavController(this, yourNavController, appBarConfiguration)

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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