VueJS binding class in template not working


I'm learning VueJS and I want to make tab components. I have a main.js and index.html file as follows:

Vue.component('tabs', {
  template: "<div><div class='tabs is-medium'><ul><li v-for='tabb in tabs' :class='{'is-active': tabb.selected}'><a href='#'>{{ }}</a></li></ul></div><div class='tabs-details'> <slot></slot></div></div>",
  data() {
    return {tabs: []};

  created() {
    this.tabs = this.$children;

Vue.component('tab', {
  template: '<div><slot></slot></div>',
  props: {
    name: {required: true },
    selected: { default: false }


new Vue({
  el: '#root'

<html lang="en" dir="ltr">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

    <div id="root">

        <tab name="Tab1" :selected="true">
          <h1>Tab1 content</h1>

        <tab name="Tab2">
          <h1>Tab2 content</h1>

        <tab name="Tab3">
          <h1>Tab3 content</h1>


  <script src="[email protected]/dist/vue.js"></script>


The problem is in class binding part (:class='{'is-active': tabb.selected}'). The code works when it's removed or when the binding is not used and class value remains the same (class='is-active'). I was wondering why the binding class is not working ?

Note: Single quotes are used everywhere in template because it's (apparently) the only way I can keep everything in template (thus between " ") in the editor Atom.


You cannot write this:

:class='{'is-active': tabb.selected}'

You're using single quotes for two different purposes. As soon as Vue encounters that second ' it is going to think that the attribute value has ended. This ends up being equivalent to:


The usual convention is to use backticks (not to be confused with single-quotes) for templates, like this:

template: `
    <div class="tabs is-medium">
        <li v-for="tabb in tabs" :class="{'is-active': tabb.selected}">
          <a href="#">{{ }}</a>
    <div class="tabs-details">

If you really can't use backticks then just escape some double-quotes. So either one of these:

:class=\"{'is-active': tabb.selected}\"


:class='{\"is-active\": tabb.selected}'

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