How to fetch a message in a channel gotten via guild.channels.get


I'm working on improvements for my reaction based cart tracker for discord shops (ie in game items etc)

I'm having an issue where after getting a channel by id, i can't use the fetchMessage function on the variable i saved the channel to to get a specific message. i need this to automatically update the cart message ive already sent upon the user reacting to add an item.

heres my current code:

var cartchannel = messageReaction.message.guild.channels.get(curcart.orderchannelid)
var cartmsg = cartchannel.fetchMessage(curcart.cartmsgid) 

channel.fetchMessage() is an asynchronous function. It means you need to use await or .then(). For example with await:

var cartchannel = messageReaction.message.guild.channels.get(curcart.orderchannelid)
var cartmsg = await cartchannel.fetchMessage(curcart.cartmsgid) 
console.log(cartmsg) // Discord.Message object

or with .then():

var cartchannel = messageReaction.message.guild.channels.get(curcart.orderchannelid)
cartchannel.fetchMessage(curcart.cartmsgid).then((cartmsg) => {
    console.log(cartmsg) // Discord.Message object

If you use the await way, you need to be in an async function.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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