hincrby and hget returning True instead of actual value in Redis (python)

Tirupati Rao

For performance improvements, I have used the Redis pipeline instead of single insertions. Please find the code snippet for the same.

r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=redis_pool)
r_pipeline = r.pipeline()
for key in keys:
    r_pipeline.hincrby(key, hash, amount)
    r_pipeline.expire(key, Globals.Cache.ttl)
return r_pipeline.execute()

the return value of r_pipeline.execute() is a list. Based on the documentation it supposes to increment and return the incremented value. But sometimes it is actually returning the value and sometimes it is just returning True.

I have gone through the documentation and did google but still not able to figure out why hincrby is returning True in the pipeline.

Can someone please help.


The True is coming from the expire call in the pipeline. In isolation:

>>> p.hincrby('key', 'val', 1)
>>> p.expire('key', 120)
>>> print(p.execute())
[1L, True]

Collected from the Internet

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