I cannot spawn new objects in Unity 2D


Alright, so I've been building a small thing in Unity 2D, and it works for the most part, however whenever I attempt to create a script to spawn a copy of the circle prefab, it just doesn't spawn without any error messages.

I've attempted to use Instantiate to spawn them at the button's location, yet no luck.

    public GameObject circle;
    public Transform circlespawn;
    private bool touched = false;

    void Update()
        if(touched == true)
            Instantiate(circle, circlespawn.position, circlespawn.rotation);
            touched = false;

    void OnMouseDown()
        touched = true;

From BugFinder in the comments, he pointed out I simply needed a collider for the onmousedown to work correctly.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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