Replacing text using regex expression in Notepad++


I want to find words starting with stop. and extract the string that follows the word. Each string should be in a new line.

Also the results file should not have any duplicates.

Example file:

example regex stop.variant1
stop stop.variant_2 examplestop


  • Ctrl+H
  • Find what: .*?(\bstop\.variant\S*)
  • Replace with: $1\n
  • CHECK Match case
  • CHECK Wrap around
  • CHECK Regular expression
  • CHECK . matches newline*
  • Replace all


.*?                 # 0 or more any character
(                   # group 1
    \b              # word boundary
    stop\.variant   # literally
    \S*             # 0 or more non spaces
)                   # end group

Screen capture:

enter image description here

Collected from the Internet

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