How to implement iterator for doubly linked list?

Lev Marder

I have a custom doubly-linked list class and I want to implement iterator for it so I can use functions like std::sort and the one provided below. What can be done about it?

For example, now I have the implementation but it's bad. The following string

std::cout << list.end() - list.begin() << std::endl;



where list is my list class with 10 elements in it.

The function​ I want to work:

template <typename I, typename C>
void quickSort(I begin, I end, C cmp) {
    if (begin >= end) throw new exception_incorrectSelection;
    I i = begin, j = end;
    T pivot = *(i + (j - i) / 2);
    while (i <= j) {
        while (cmp(*i, pivot)) ++i;
        while (cmp(pivot, *j)) --j;
        if (i <= j) {
            std::iter_swap(i, j);
    if (j > begin) quickSort(begin, j, cmp);
    if (i < end) quickSort(i, end, cmp);

It breaks on exeption check for the reason expressed earlier.

Jerry Coffin

Iterators come in various categories. For a doubly-linked list, you'd normally implement a bidirectional iterator. A bidirectional iterator won't support std::sort, but will support many (most?) other algorithms, such as find, find_if, accumulate, and so on.

You could write an iterator for a doubly-linked list that supported the RandomAccessIterator concept (e.g., supported iterator + int and iterator - int) but it's open to question whether you'd really want to--you normally expect a random access iterator to provide constant time addition and subtraction, but with a linked list, they'd be linear time instead. As such, even though you're supporting the concept in terms of the operations it's required to support, you're violating the requirements on complexity:

The RandomAccessIterator concept adds support for constant-time advancement with +=, +, -=, and -, as well as the computation of distance in constant time with -. Random access iterators also support array notation via subscripting.

[emphasis added]

So, although you could make it work with std::sort if you wanted, it's probably not a great idea to do so.

That leaves two choices: go ahead and produce the same interface anyway, and live with the fact that the random-access operations will have linear complexity, or rewrite your algorithm to work with what bidirectional iterators can provide. That would look something like this:

template <typename I, typename C>
void quickSort(I begin, I end, C cmp) {
    if (begin >= end) throw new exception_incorrectSelection;
    I i = begin, j = end;
    T pivot = *(i + std::distance(i, j) / 2); // <--
    while (i <= j) {
        while (cmp(*i, pivot)) ++i;
        while (cmp(pivot, *j)) --j;
        if (i <= j) {
            std::iter_swap(i, j);
    if (j > begin) quickSort(begin, j, cmp);
    if (i < end) quickSort(i, end, cmp);

At least as usually implemented, std::distance will do something like this:

template <class Iter>
size_t distance(Iter a, Iter b) { 
    size_t ret = 0;

    while (a != b) {
    return ret;
} as long as your iterator supports ++ and !=, that'll normally be enough for it to work with std::distance.

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