Custom sequence generator for Hibernate 5

Iván López

I want to create a custom sequence generator in Hibernate 5 to create a sequence per table in Postgresql. Using Hibernate 4 I did the following in my dialect:

 * Get the native identifier generator class.
 * @return TableNameSequenceGenerator.
Class<?> getNativeIdentifierGeneratorClass() {

 * Creates a sequence per table instead of the default behavior of one sequence.
 * From <a href=''></a>
static class TableNameSequenceGenerator extends SequenceGenerator {

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * If the parameters do not contain a {@link SequenceGenerator#SEQUENCE} name, we
     * assign one based on the table name.
    void configure(final Type type, final Properties params, final Dialect dialect) {

        Boolean sequencePerTable = Holders.config.getProperty(SEQUENCE_PER_TABLE, Boolean, true)

        if (sequencePerTable) {
            if (!params.getProperty(SEQUENCE)) {
                String tableName = params.getProperty(TABLE)
                String schemaName = params.getProperty('schemaName')
                if (schemaName) {
                    params.setProperty(SCHEMA, schemaName)
                if (tableName) {
                    params.setProperty(SEQUENCE, "seq_${tableName}")
        super.configure(type, params, dialect)

You can see the full code here:

I'm trying to migrate to Hibernate 5 but I don't know how to configure the previous behavior. I've modified the code to extends from SequenceStyleGenerator because now SequenceGenerator has been deprecated but my code is never executed. I think this has to do with the fact that the method getNativeIdentifierGeneratorClass has also been deprecated.

I've been looking for a way to create a custom sequence but all examples I've found are focused on annotate my domain class with the sequence generator. What I'm looking for is a way to define all the sequences in a global way.

Iván López

As Graeme noted ( the default name of the sequence has changed in Hibernate 5, so adding

id generator: 'sequence', params: [sequence_name: 'book_seq']

to the mapping block does the trick. The problem is that it's necessary to add that to every domain class.

I'm still looking for a way to define that setting globally, maybe setting prefer_sequence_per_entity to true for every entity.

UPDATE: Finally we found a workaround to define a sequence per table globally. Just add the following to the file application.groovy:

grails.gorm.default.mapping = {
    id generator: '', params: [prefer_sequence_per_entity: true]

Collected from the Internet

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