Parallel items in Jenkins Declarative pipeline


I am working on setting up automated build and deploy jobs in jenkins

Right now I have a single stage with parallel tasks set up like this

stage ('Testing & documenting'){
        steps {
            parallel (
                "PHPLOC" : {
                    echo "Running phploc"
                    sh "./src/vendor/phploc/phploc/phploc --exclude=./src/vendor --no-interaction --quiet --log-csv=./build/logs/loc.csv src tests"
                "SLOC": {
                    echo "Running sloc"
                    sh "sloccount --duplicates --wide --details . > ./build/logs/  2>/dev/null"
                "CPD" : {
                    echo "Running copy-paste detection"
                    sh "./src/vendor/sebastian/phpcpd/phpcpd --fuzzy . --exclude src/vendor --log-pmd ./build/logs/phpcpd.xml || true"
                "MD" : {
                    echo "Running mess detection on code"
                    sh "./src/vendor/phpmd/phpmd/src/bin/phpmd src xml phpmd_ruleset.xml --reportfile ./build/logs/phpmd_code.xml --exclude vendor,build --ignore-violations-on-exit --suffixes php"
                "PHPUNIT" : {
                    echo "Running PHPUnit w/o code coverage"
                    sh "./src/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit --configuration phpunit-quick.xml" 

after reading I noticed that they use a different structure.

stage("Documenting and Testing") {
        parallel {
            stage("Documenting") {
                agent any
                stages {
                    stage("CPD") {
                        steps {
                    stage("PMD") {
                        steps {
                            //PMD stuff
                stage("Testing") {
                agent any
                stages {
                    stage("PHPUnit") {
                        steps {

I am not sure what the difference between these two approaches is

Dibakar Aditya

The first example running parallel inside the steps block was introduced by the earlier versions of the declarative pipeline. This had some shortcomings. For example, to run each parallel branch on a different agent, you need to use a node step, and if you do that, the output of the parallel branch won’t be available for post directives (at a stage or pipeline level). Basically the old parallel step required you to use Scripted Pipeline within a Declarative Pipeline.

The second example is a true declarative syntax introduced to overcome the shortcomings of the former. In addition, this particular example runs two serial stages within the parallel stage ‘Documenting’.

You can read this official blog to know more about the parallel directive

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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