How can I make my turtle move to my cursor?


I am trying to move the turtle to my cursor to draw something so that every time I click, the turtle will go there and draw something.

I have already tried onscreenclick(), onclick, and many combinations of both, I feel like I am doing something wrong, but I don't know what.

from turtle import*
import random
turtle = Turtle()
col  = ["red","green","blue","orange","purple","pink","yellow"]
a = random.randint(0,4)
siz = random.randint(100,300)
def draw():
    for i in range(75):


Any help would be great, thank you for your time ( If you help me! ;)


It's not so much what method you're invoking, but on what object you're invoking it:


TurtleScreen is a class, you need to call it on a screen instance. And since you want to call draw in addition to turtle.goto you need to define your own function that calls both:

screen = Screen()

Here's a rework of your code with the above fixes and other tweaks:

from turtle import Screen, Turtle, mainloop
from random import choice, randint

COLORS = ["red", "green", "blue", "orange", "purple", "pink", "yellow"]

def draw():
    size = randint(100, 300)

    # make turtle position center of drawing
    turtle.setx(turtle.xcor() - size/2)


    for _ in range(75):


def event_handler(x, y):
    screen.onclick(None)  # disable event handler inside event handler

    turtle.goto(x, y)



turtle = Turtle()

screen = Screen()


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