Refused to execute script from 'url' because its MIME type ('image/jpeg') is not executable

Justice taylor

I am trying to fetch book cover,title and author using api. But i can't do it.When i click the search this image appears as shown in screenshot.Also i am providing some source code.And i am getting error "Refused to execute script from '' because its MIME type ('image/jpeg') is not executable." Please provide some suggetion regarding solving the error.Thanks in advance.

function search_google_books() {
  var script = document.createElement('script');

  var isbn = document.forms[0].isbn;

  if (isbn && isbn.value != '') {
    document.getElementById('thumbnail').innerHTML = '<img src="./loading.gif" />';
    script.src = '' + isbn.value + '-M.jpg';

  } else {
    alert('Please input ISBN!');

function show_bookcover(booksInfo) {
  var link = '<span class="nolink">No image available...</span>';
  for (i in booksInfo.items) {
    var book = booksInfo.items[i]
    var image = book.volumeInfo.imageLinks;
    if (image && image.thumbnail != undefined) {
      var thumbnail = image.thumbnail.replace('zoom=5', 'zoom=1');
      if (document.location.protocol == 'https:') {
        var parser = document.createElement('a');
        parser.href = thumbnail;
        parser.protocol = 'https:';
        parser.hostname = '';
        thumbnail = parser.href;
      link = '<img src="' + thumbnail + '" />';
      if (book.accessInfo && book.accessInfo.viewability != "NO_PAGES") {
        var preview = book.volumeInfo.previewLink;
        link += '<br />';
    link += '<br />Title: ' + book.volumeInfo.title;
    if (book.volumeInfo.authors.length > 0) {
      link += '<br />Author: ' + book.volumeInfo.authors.join("; ");
  document.getElementById('thumbnail').innerHTML = link;
} <
#thumbnail {
  margin: 1em 4em;

  <title>Test for Open Search API: book cover</title>

  <div id="form">
      Enter ISBN: <input type="text" size="40" placeholder="ISBN" value="9780415261876" name="isbn" id="isbn" />
      <button onclick="javascript:search_google_books();
            return false;">Search</button>
  <div id="thumbnail"></div>

Christiaan Nieuwlaat

When you just want to fetch the associated book cover image, a few minor modifications in your code would be enough:

function search_google_books() {
  var isbn = document.forms[0].isbn;

  if (isbn && isbn.value != '') {
    document.getElementById('thumbnail').innerHTML = '<img src="' + isbn.value + '-M.jpg" />';

  } else {
    alert('Please input ISBN!');
#thumbnail {
  margin: 1em 4em;

  <title>Test for Open Search API: book cover</title>

  <div id="form">
      Enter ISBN: <input type="text" size="40" placeholder="ISBN" value="9780415261876" name="isbn" id="isbn" />
      <button onclick="javascript:search_google_books();
            return false;">Search</button>
  <div id="thumbnail"></div>

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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