How to select value that matches all values in a list?

Tomer Shalhon

I am trying to get two separate row values, for 2 conditions on the same column.

for example with this data:

id       status
1        0
1        2
1        3
2        2
2        0

I want to select all the rows where the status = 0, and status = 2.

So for example the output should be:

id       status
1        0
1        2
2        0
2        2

Thank you!

Gordon Linoff

One method is:

where status in (0, 2)

But I suspect you want both values for the id. In that case, one method uses exists:

select t.*
from t
where status in (0, 2) and
      exists (select 1
              from t t2
              where = and
                    t2.status in (0, 2) and
                    t2.status <> t.status

If you just want the ids, then aggregation is easy:

select id
from t
where status in (0, 2)
group by id
having count(*) = 2;

This can be incorporated in a query to get the original rows using in, exists, or join. Or window functions:

select t.*
from (select t.*,
             count(*) filter (where status in (0, 2)) over (partition by id) as cnt
      from t
     ) t
where cnt = 2;

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