In React, how do I handle errors coming back from the server?


I have a signup form in my app that submits data to the my backend server, with a Redux thunk that calls my API and handles the returned data. Right now it only actually catches errors that occur within React/Redux. If the server returns an error, my action creator thinks the error is part of a user record and authenticates my "user", even if I submitted an empty form.

My handleSubmit function (extracted from my AuthForm component):

 const handleSubmit = e => {
    onAuth(formType, state);
    setState(formType === 'login' ? initialStateLogin : initialStateSignup);

My onAuth function (which maps to my authUser Redux thunk):

export function authUser(type, userData) {
  return dispatch => {
      return apiCall("post", `/users/${type}`, userData)
        .then(({ jwt, ...user }) => {
          console.log(jwt, user)
          localStorage.setItem("jwtToken", jwt);
        .catch(err => {

My apiCall helper function:

export async function apiCall(method, path, data) {
  try {
    const res = await axios[method.toLowerCase()](`${API_PATH}${path}`, data);

  catch(err) {
    return || "An unknown error occurred";

If I submit an empty form, my Redux state looks like this:

currentUser {
  isAuthenticated: true,
  user: {
    error: {
      message: "Could not create user. Please modify parameters and try again."

You are catching the API calls' erros. This causes your catch callback to never fire. Remove the try/catch block in apiCall.

Alternatively, you can return a Promise.reject() with the error data.

Collected from the Internet

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