React DOM not updating even though the state and props have


I am looking to use map() to iterate over and add to my DOM in react, however, my DOM is not updating.

I think the everything is syntactically written ok, so I am really stumped by this. Any help you can give me I'd really appreciate, thanks.


class App extends Component {
    searchThis() {
        axios.get("/getYoutube", {params: {searchString: this.state.searchVal}}).then(({ data }) => {
                youtubeVids: data.resp.items

    render() {
        if (this.state.youtubeVids.length > 0) {

            return (
                <div className="app-container">
                    <div className="app-header">
                        <h1>YouTube API App</h1>
                    <div className="app-body">
                        <div className="each-body-section">
                                youtubeVids = {this.state.youtubeVids}

export default App;

Right now I am bringing server api results into the frontend using setState() and Axios through the searchThis() method, which I am logging and seeing successfully in my console from my props. However in SearchResults.js, nothing is updating in the DOM SearchResults.js

import React from "react";

const SearchResults = props => {
    console.log("props in search ", props.youtubeVids)

    return (
    <div className="each-body-section video-container">
            { => {
                <div key={}>
                    <div className="video-title">
                        <h2>{video.snippet.title} </h2>
                        <img src={video.snippet.thumbnails.high.url} />

export default SearchResults

Well, its because you are trying to map an empty array in SearchResults.js

Change SearchResults.js to the code below and try again:

import React, { Component } from 'react';

class SearchResults extends Component {

    render() {
        if (this.props.youtubeVids.length > 0) {
            var youtubeVidsMap = => <div key={}>
                <div className="video-title">
                    <h2>{video.snippet.title} </h2>
                    <img src={video.snippet.thumbnails.high.url} />

        return (

            <div className="each-body-section video-container">

export default SearchResults;

If you want to use stateless component, the code below should work:

import React from "react";

const SearchResults = props => {

    if (props.youtubeVids.length > 0) {
        var youtubeVidsMap = => <div key={video.videoId}>
            <div className="video-title">
                <h2>{video.snippet.title} </h2>
                <img src={video.snippet.thumbnails.high.url} />


    return (
    <div className="each-body-section video-container">

export default SearchResults

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