Set the default value for the key of the function object parameter


I need to transfer some props into my component.

type Props = {
  icon: number,
  onChangeText: Function,
  onEndEditing: Function,
  placeholder: string,
  secureTextEntry?: boolean
export default function LRInput(
  props: Props = { ...props, secureTextEntry: false } // I've tried to do it in this way, but it hasn't worked 
) { /*function body*/ }

You can see that secureTextEntry is an optional parameter. So, I want to define some default value for this prop. How can I do this?


I wouldn't use destructuring at all, rather put the optional property on a new object:

export default function LRInput(props: Props) {
     const defaultedProps: Props = { secureTextEntry: false, ...props };
    /* function body */

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