batch file: Setting a variable to the return value from a function call


What I am doing wrong here please? I want to make a windows batch file that will call an exe, passing in some arguments and assign the return value to a variable. I have tried lots of different variations of the following but I cant make it work.

SET EXE="path\to\exe"
SET TARGET_FILE="path\to\file\to\be\read\by\exe"

for /f %%i in (%EXE% -arg1 %TARGET_FILE%) do set VAR=%%i


What am I missing? In case it matters, the two paths above will probably contain spaces, line C:\Program Files\etc.


The following batch file should work. I have not tested, let me know if it does not.

SET EXE="path\to\exe"
SET TARGET_FILE="path\to\file\to\be\read\by\exe"

for /f "delims=" %%i in ('"%EXE% -arg1 %TARGET_FILE%"') do (
echo %%i

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