How to check the on change event in multiple elements with same class name in Rails using Jquery


in a rails module, when user enters less than 0 value he should get invalid message.

in js file i have written a onchange function which expecting when a textbox gets less than zero value this function should trigger an alert.

$(document).on('onchange',".default-value" (function(event) {
     var num = $(this).val();
     if( num < 0)  
      alert("Invalid Entry");

in my slim.erb file i have written following here the text box values are to be held and sent for the function i have written inside the js file.

 = y.input :default_value, label: false, input_html: { class: "default-value #{ y.object.parameter.parameterize } " }

I expect an invalid error right when I type less than 0 value.

Kamal Pandey

update with

        if($(this).val() < 0) {
         alert("Invalid Entry");


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