Unwanted white space on the top and left


I'm trying to make an image under a title on the top left but the image doesn't want to cover the left side.

I changed the position to position: absolute, made the margin and padding 0, inspected the HTML page and can't see anything that can influence this image.


        <div class="header">
            <div class="container">
                <div class="row">
                    <div class="col">
                        <h1>Dillan Robbertze<h1>
                        <img src="mountain-og.jpeg">


The CSS:

.header img{

Expected Results: Image is under the title top left. Actual Results: There is a white space left and top of the image.

EDIT: I added top:0; thanks to @Somesh Mukherjee. The image moved up, but there is still a left space that shouldn't be there.

Hossein Ghanaati

add a class to the parent div element. and add position relative to it.

.myNewClass {
    position: relative;

also, make sure your parent elements don't have margin and padding. for that, you can use a CSS reset like this:

* {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;

though this will make sure all of your elements don't have any margin or padding so you need to specify all you need by yourself. you should put this at the top of your CSS file if you want to use it.

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