always false conditional statement - sonarqube


while analyzing my code in sonarqube i'm getting an error saying the conditional always evaluates to false and subsequent code is never executed in the below code:

private RedirectItem FindItemToItemRedirect(string url)
    var redirectDefinition = RedirectDefinition?.ItemsRedirects;
    if (!redirectDefinition?.Any() ?? false)
        return null;

    RedirectItem result;
    if (redirectDefinition.TryGetValue(url, out result))
        return result;

    return null;

its saying the if (!redirectDefinition?.Any() ?? false) is always false and the null beneath it is never executed. however in my IDE/with resharper i am getting no errors for this in the code. is this a false positive in sonarqube and i should just suppress it?



This is a known bug in sonarqube described in here:

Instead of suppressing it, you can write:

if (!redirectDefinition?.Any().GetValueOrDefault())

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