VBA script , how can i write this code better? Run time error 13 , Type mismatch


I know I have a problem with

IPROUTER = (Left(IP, 11)) & ((Right(IP, 3)) + 5)

Im new at vba , how i should write this line to not get titled error?

Dim ID As String
  Dim IP As String
  Dim IPROUTER As String

  ID = Mid(olItem.Subject, 20, 9)
  IP = Right(olItem.Body, 14)

   IPROUTER = (Left(IP, 11)) & ((Right(IP, 3)) + 5)

   With objFile
    .WriteLine "START " & Chr(34) & ID & Chr(34) & " ping" & IP & " -t"

Thanks for the reply. It didn't help but I figured it out in a diffrent way. I just convert string to int. Code of my example below:

Dim ID As String
Dim IP As String
Dim IPROUTER As String
Dim ok As String
Dim okI As Integer

ID = Mid(olItem.Subject, 20, 9)
IP = Right(olItem.Body, 14)

 IPROUTER = (Left(IP, 12))

 ok = Mid(IP, 13, 3)
 okI = CInt(ok)

 With objFile
  .WriteLine "START " & Chr(34) & ID & Chr(34) & " ping " & IP & " -t"
  .WriteLine "START " & Chr(34) & ID & Chr(34) & " ping " & IPROUTER & okI + 5 & " -t" 

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