Is there any reason why my if statement for finding text in a bs4 tag element fails?


I am trying to find and print all the h3 tags which contain the months i am interested in. To do this i tried to make a for loop of my bs4 object(head) and an if statement within it specify to print the row that satisfies the condition; which in this case would be if a string (the month) is in the row. The problem i have is even if the months i specified exist in the bs4 object / rows they are not being printed in my if statement.

I have tried adding the year to the months and this seemed to solve the issue though is not ideal. Additionally i tested the logic behind my method by making a short list of some of the rows (manually) and running a for loop with that list instead of the bs4 object(head)

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup


head = text.find_all('h3')

for row in head:
    for r1 in ['January','February']:
        if r1 in row:

The expected results are <h3>February 2019</h3> <h3>January 2019</h3>

The results i am getting are non existent as nothing is printed out


Another way of getting the DTOC monthly publications using bs4 4.7.1

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs

url = ''

r = requests.get(url)
soup = bs(r.content, 'lxml')
publications = [item.next_sibling.next_sibling.text for item in'#main-content p:has(+h3)')][1:]

For the page:

#main-content p:has(+h3)

filters for p tags, with parent element having id main-content, that have an adjacent sibling h3 tag. The [1:] ignores the first item in the returned list as this is not a month but Statistical Press Notice header

Collected from the Internet

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