No signatures found matching the expected signature for payload

Shun Yamada

I'm working on the marketplace application. When payout to a connect account from the platform, I want to update account's balance information and add receipt model on my application. But No signatures found matching the expected signature for payload error occurs and I can't get payout.paid event.


StripeEvent.configure do |events|
  # The case transfer created


class Events::PayoutPaid
  def call(event)
    source =

    # Fetch balence information
    account = source.destination
    balance = Stripe::Balance.retrieve(
        {stripe_account: account}

    @user = User.find_by({
      stripe_account_id: account
    @user.balance = balance["available"][0]["amount"]

    # create receipt
    @receipt =
    @receipt.user = @user
    @receipt.amount = source.amount

Although other stripe webhook would work.


That is because you havent loaded the signing secrets to StripeEvent

Lest say you create 2 webhooks on the Stripe dashboard, one subscribed to invoices events, the other to customer events. You first need to copy each of the Signing secret (click on reveal) and then store them in the config/credentials.yml.enc file

First, run the command EDITOR="atom --wait" rails credentials:edit (using the editor of your choosing). Then, add the following values:

        secret_key: MY_SECRET_KEY
        publishable_key: MY_PUBLISHABLE_KEY
        signing_secret_customer_endpoint: MY_SIGNING_SECRET_CUSTOMERS
        signing_secrets_invoice_endpoint: MY_SIGNING_SECRET_INVOICES

Save the file. Now edit the initializer for stripeEvent. In my case, it was config/initializers/stripe.rb and add:

StripeEvent.signing_secrets = [

Now the signing secrets are loaded and the webhooks should work

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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No signatures found matching the expected signature for payload. Are you passing the raw request body you received from Stripe?

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