Using Django framework only with admin backend without any apps


I want to use Django only with admin backend without any apps. So actually all I want to do is to use the admin backend to CRUD my database. Now apparently the admin backend does not have a and no

Do I really need the from an app, or can I easily use only the admin backend to CRUD my database. How would I do this, add a to the admin backend?


First of all, if you want to CRUD something, you will need a model so you can interact with your database (SQLite, Postgres, etc).

However, a model belongs to an app, once this is the core of Django. So, take a look at where you can read more about that.

If you need a tutorial, take a look at

In summary, yes, you need an app. However, you do not need a view, once there will be no router, I suppose. Just expose your model to the admin, for instance:

from django.contrib import admin

from .models import YourModel

Hope it helps

Collected from the Internet

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