Module descriptors concept in redux-orm

Alexander Ladonin

Found enough interesting library Redux-orm for redux. Uses redux storage like database.

Who uses this library, please advice - what means module descriptors here?
With examples, please.

Because there is no detailed documentation and examples about it.


Link for documentation


Disclaimer: I'm the current Redux-ORM maintainer.

There's an amazing blog post series called Practical Redux written by Mark Erikson where he gives a detailed introduction to Redux-ORM. It's a tiny bit outdated but still solid information. But our Readme, mostly written by the original author Tommi Kaikkonen, is also a reliable (and more future-proof) source. We should definitely provide additional step-by-step documentation documentation on a dedicated site. That's mainly a manpower issue.

Your links refer to our JSDoc documentation which is automatically generated from our source code and comments in there. The descriptors module is an internal part of Redux-ORM that currently provides the code for relationship accessors. For instance, author.books would call the backwardsManyToOneDescriptor to resolve an author's books (if we assume that books can only be written by one author). You don't need to know how this works for using the library, though.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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