What is the proper way to initialize const containers with different values?


I have some container struct that holds a set of configuration elements.

struct config
    const std::vector<int> config_items;
    const std::vector<double> another_items;

Also, I have a "container of containers" that should hold a known and limited number of instances of those configuration containers (e.g. 3). Each config instance should then have different ints and doubles in the corresponding vectors.

struct setup
    const std::vector<config> items;

All the vectors' items should be const, because they should be defined once and never change.

Since the vectors are const, I can only initialize them in the constructor initializer list. But I want to have multiple instances with different values.

I could create some child structs to create each configuration in the child constructors. But this doesn't work, because I cannot initialize a parent member in the child constructor:

struct config_1 : public config
    config_1() : config_items { 1, 2 }, another_items { 1.0, 2.0 } {} // Doesn't work

This seems to be a very poor decision too (remove const, make copies...):

struct config
    std::vector<int> config_items;    
    std::vector<double> another_items;    

struct setup
    std::vector<config> items;

void init()
    config c;
    c.config_items = { 1, 2 };
    c.another_items = { 1.0, 2.0 };

    setup s;
    s.items = { c };

I cannot make a single initializer-list constructor too, because I have multiple vectors:

struct config
    config(std::initializer_list<int> i, std::initializer_list<double> d); // No go
    std::vector<int> config_items;    
    std::vector<double> another_items;    

Background: I want to have a hardcoded const config structure (probably placed in the DATA section or even in the flash memory) for my embedded application. No need to read things from any config files etc.

So my question is: what would you suggest me how I should create such a const configuration container?


The std::vectors are actually wrong here. I'm using a custom container that holds the data in the instance like std::array and not like std::vector which allocates the storage on the heap.

So the environment should rather look like this:

struct config
    const std::array<int, 2> config_items;
    const std::array<double, 2> another_items;

struct setup
    const std::array<config, 3> items;

After some research I've decided to answer my own question.

As NathanOliver and nwp mentioned, the std::vectors used in question allocate the memory on the heap. Actually, I'm using a custom container similar to an std::array that holds the data in the instance itself.

So I should have written something like this in the question:

struct config
    const std::array<int, 2> config_items;
    const std::array<double, 2> another_items;

struct setup
    const std::array<config, 3> items;

Now, since these structs are PODs, I can use an aggregate initialization of them:

setup instance
    // std::array c++11-ish double-braces aggregate initialization
    // this is the items member
    { {
            // this is the config_items member
            { { 1, 2 } },

            // this is the another_items member
            { { 1.0, 2.0 } },

            { { 3, 4 } },
            { { 3.0, 4.0 } },

            { { 5, 6 } },
            { { 5.0, 6.0 } },
    } }

Now, I have an initialized instance struct whose members are const, and there is no run-time code to do initialization (no ctors, no method calls) but rather the raw data will be directly stored in the DATA section (by default). This is exactly what I need.

Collected from the Internet

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