Localizing datetimes in Rails I18n


In my locale rails console, I can see that I have the following locales available via the I18n gem

> I18n.available_locales
=> [:en, :de, :es, :ja, :"pt-BR", :"zh-CN", :"zh-HK", :"zh-TW"]

I try using localize with a specific date format in English -

> I18n.with_locale("en") { I18n.l(Time.zone.now, format: "%B, %Y") }
=> "April, 2016"

Which works great. Then I try the same thing with Spanish and Japanese -

> I18n.with_locale("es") { I18n.l(Time.zone.now, format: "%B, %Y") }
=> "s, 2016"
> I18n.with_locale("ja") { I18n.l(Time.zone.now, format: "%B, %Y") }
=> "s, 2016"

It looks like the month name is being translated as "s".

The rails I18n gem definitely defines month names for the above locales. Does the #localize method even make use of those, or is it trying to pull from elsewhere?



I received the same set of outputs as you have mentioned.The following are the steps I followed to debug the behaviour.

  1. Checked if rails-i18n is part of my rails application by checking the Gemfile.lock (Actually, it is not). The I18n gem that is part of my Gemfile.lock is a dependency from activesupport gem

  2. Checked I18n load path for any translations file for "es" locale I18n.load_path. There were none.

  3. Went through the I18n.translate method for how it handles date and time formats. The format directives [%a, %A, %b, %B, %p, %P] in the format string are only used for localization (day, month, meridian (AM/PM) indicator - both shorter and longer formats) since only those contain language texts.

I18n.with_locale(:en) { I18n.localize(Time.zone.now, format: "%B, %Y") }

internally calls

I18n.translate(:"date.month_names", :locale => :en)[Time.zone.now.mon]

that returns "April"


I18n.with_locale(:es) { I18n.localize(Time.zone.now, format: "%B, %Y") }

internally calls

I18n.translate(:"date.month_names", :locale => :es)[Time.zone.now.mon]

But there are no translations available,

I18n.translate(:"date.month_names", :locale => :es)

=> "translation missing: es.date.month_names"

Time.zone.now.mon = 4.So, it returns "translation missing: es.date.month_names"[4] which is "s"

Hope this helps.

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